All You Need To Know About Breast Augmentation 

breast augmentation

All You Need To Know About Breast Augmentation 

Breast lift: Based on female psychology, breast augmentation is the path to feeling more confident. For others, the reason might be different, a woman might desire to rebuild the lost shape after pregnancy or childbirth. If you’re considering breast augmentation in Dubai, then it is suggested that you talk to a plastic surgeon. Dr. Abizer Kapadia is an expert on breast surgeries and has successfully performed hundreds of breast augmentation surgeries with great results. It is essential that you understand the basics and the requirements for the surgery, this includes the complication factors, possible risks, and follow-up care.


Benefits Of Breast Augmentation –

A few of the possible benefits of breast augmentation are as follows –

• It enhances the appearance of your breast –

In case, you are stuck in a loop and consider one of your breasts is smaller than the other, then chances are even that it impacts the way you dress and the type of clothes you choose to bring an evenly balanced look. With breast augmentation surgery, you will be free from the way you feel. 

• This procedure helps you with the adjustment of the breast’s size after significant weight loss or surgery. 

• If you previously went through some sort of breast surgery and were left with uneven breast size, then this procedure can bring a balance. 

• Breast augmentation will improve your self-confidence. 

Moreover, it is recommended that you discuss your goals with your plastic surgeon and be realistic with the outcome. You must be well aware of what breast augmentation Dubai can do. 

The latest technological innovation is using your body fat for Breast Augmentation. Fat is aspirated or sucked out from unwanted areas of your body like the abdomen or thighs and injected into your breast, giving a more natural result and in some cases avoiding the use of any silicone implants. 

There is an option for hybrid breast augmentation, which makes use of both silicone implants and fat in a combination, thus being very useful in a select group of patients and providing natural long-lasting results and at the same time minimizing complications. 

Risks Associated With Breast Augmentation –

A few of the potential risks of breast augmentation include the following –

• Infections

• Breast pain

• Implant leakage or rupture

• Changes in breast and nipple sensation. 

• Capsular contracture, where scar tissues distort the shape of the breast implant.

To correct these complications, you might have to face more surgical procedures, which include either removing or replacing the implants.

Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma –

An association might be possible between the development of ALCL (anaplastic large cell lymphoma) and breast implants, says U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). ALCL is an uncommon and very rare cancer of the immune system and the condition is known as BIA-ALCL (breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma). Based on the reports published by FDA, it is believed that women with breast implants that have textured surfaces are at an increased risk of developing BIA-ALCL. However, the implants are not known to cause BIA-ALCL. The relationship between breast implants and the condition is yet to be discovered. 

Breast Implant Illness –

Systemic symptoms of breast implant illness are associated with breast implants. To date, the relationship between breast implants and these symptoms is not clearly understood. Some of the most common signs and symptoms include joint pain, fatigue, trouble concentrating, skin rash, and memory loss. It has also been said that the removal of breast implants has the ability to reverse the symptoms. Continuous research is being carried out to determine the cause and the linking factor that exists between them. If you are experiencing any of these signs and symptoms, then it is recommended to discuss them with your plastic surgeon, and he/she will guide you through the entire process. 

In case you notice any considerable change taking place to your breasts or implants, immediately contact your healthcare provider. If you have any possible complications related to breast augmentation Dubai surgery, then your healthcare provider will conduct appropriate screening tests and follow-up visits to detect and address them. 

How To Prepare For Breast Surgery?

The preparation starts with consultation regarding your preferred feel, appearance, and size of your breasts. Your surgeon will explain the specific types of implants that you can opt for, be it round or shaped like a teardrop, smooth or textured, or saline or silicone. Meanwhile, you will also be able to know about the other available options for surgical techniques.

It is essential that you provide accurate information regarding the physical and biological properties of the body. Any misleading information may turn out to be fatal, like hiding certain medical conditions that you have dealt with in the past. There are certain considerations that you have to go through before you decide to have surgery, those are as follows –

• With breast implants, you can restrain your breasts from sagging. In order to correct the sagging breasts, your plastic surgeon may recommend breast lift surgery with breast augmentation. 

• Remember, that breast implants don’t last forever. On average, they last for about 10-15 years. Moreover, Implant rupture is a possibility and your breasts will continue to change with increasing age, weight loss, or gain. The look and feel of your breasts are subjected to change, leading to more surgery.

• Breast implants with mammograms might be more complicated. You need to have routine mammograms and specialized views of the condition. 

• Some women may face issues during breastfeeding. It might be a challenge for some new mothers. 

• These days, most insurance companies don’t consider/cover breast implants. They don’t consider it until or unless it’s medically necessary, such as after a mastectomy for breast cancer. In general, breast augmentation isn’t covered by insurance. So, it is better that you plan in advance on how to handle the expenses, future imaging tests, or related surgeries. 

• After breast implant removal, you may have to undergo additional surgery. If you decide to remove your implants, then you need to consider a breast lift or other similar procedure to restore the appearance of your breast. 

It is always recommended to undergo screening for silicone implant rupture. Based on the reports published by FDA, routine monitoring with a breast ultrasound needs to be done 5-6 years after the screening or silicone breast implant rupture. Afterward, a breast MRI once every 2-3 years is recommended. Unless you have symptoms, the screening method can be replaced by ultrasound. You can discuss with your plastic surgeon regarding any specific requirement for routine monitoring of your implants.

A baseline mammogram and certain medications might be needed before your surgery. Your surgeon will ask you to avoid medications, such as aspirin that can trigger the bleeding. If you have a habit of regular smoking then you need to quit it four-six weeks before and after the surgery. You will also need a helping hand to drive you home after the surgery and also to stay with you for the first few days. 


What Can You Expect From The Surgery 

The surgical procedure for breast augmentation in Dubai, done by Dr. Abizer Kapadia can either be done in a hospital outpatient facility or at a surgical centre. Usually, you can leave for home on the same day as the procedure rarely requires a hospital stay. 

Under the expert’s hands, breast augmentation can be done under the influence of local anesthesia, by the time you are awake and your breast area is numbed or else the procedure can be done under the influence of general anesthesia, it is done when you are asleep. Based on your condition and as per the discussion, your plastic surgeon will carry out the most relevant surgery option. General anesthesia is commonplace and preferred by most surgeons and patients.


The procedure of breast augmentation in Dubai can change the shape and size of your breasts. The surgery might also improve your self-esteem and body language. But, you need to be realistic and don’t expect to achieve perfection. 

Moreover, your breast will continue to age after augmentation. If you gain or lose weight then your breasts will change their look and feel. 

If you are looking for the best surgeon in Dubai, then Dr. Abizer Kapadia will guide you through the entire procedure. He is among those few doctors who have expertise in this process. For more information, get in touch with Dr. Kapadia at [email protected] or contact on +971- 0555718498 (WhatsApp).

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